Monday - Saturday, 25-30 March 2019

Guiyang, Guizhou Province

The Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, the SwissCham China and the Gesellschaft Schweiz China are delighted to invite you to a Fact-Finding Mission to Guizhou Province in China on March 25th to 30th, 2019. The purpose of the mission is to acquire a deeper understanding and additional knowledge about the economy and culture of this region, to meet the potential partners, and to explore the market opportunities in Guizhou.

The mission includes Guizhou-Switzerland business cooperation meeting, seminar and networking, company visit, as well as cultural tours. The meeting, supported by the Guiyang National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, will provide a platform for companies who are interested in investing or exploring market opportunities in Guizhou in the IT industry (especially big data), Cloud Computing, Pharmaceutical & Health Care Industry, Engineering & Manufacturing, Modern Mountainous Agriculture Industry, Finance, Legal, Culture & Tourism Industry. The aim of the meeting is to facilitate business development between Swiss and Chinese companies, initiating projects by meeting potential cooperation partners. Company visits will give you the rare and exclusive chance to visit facilities or new projects. The host will share its expertise and best practices in specific field with our guests.


Members: CHF 2080.-

Non-Members: CHF 2500.-

The price includes:

  • Reception service & transportation onsite
  • Accommodation in Guiyang (Renaissance Hotel) and Miao Village (tbc)
  • Lunches & dinners in Guizhou
  • All company and industrial zone visits
  • Tickets for Xijiang Miao Village, Tianhetan Scenic Park / Qingyan Ancient Town

NOT included:

  • Flights
  • Insurance
  • Tour guides
  • Personal expenses
  • Additional nights in hotel


Day 1 - Monday, March 25th

Morning:   Arrive in Guiyang

Option for participants already in Guiyang: Visit to two companies in the Nanming Pharmaceutical Park (南明区欧美医药产业园) according to delegation’s preferences. Possible companies:

  • Meixinda (JV between Guizhou Xinxiang Investing Co. and NOVODIAX (US))
  • Ouxinda (JV between Guizhou Xinxiang Investing and Schaer Pharma Group)

11:30-13:10          Lunch at Caiyungui Guizhou Flavor Restaurant (inside the airport) or Traditional Kaili Sour Soup Fish (2.6km from the airport)

13:30-17:00        Visit to Shuanglong Airport Economic Zone (双龙航空港经济开发区)

  • Colorful Town of Guizhou  (Local cultural exhibition center, a tourism and culture project)
  • Port Comprehensive Economic Park (the national Inspection and QuarantineTrial Park, mainly for import and export goods)
  • BBD company visit
  • Planning and Exhibition Pavilion of Shuanglong  
  • Meeting with leaders of the Management Committee and the three company CEOs  (Colorful Town of Guizhou Construction and Management Co., Ltd., Guizhou Shuanglong Airport Development & Investment Group, BBD

17:00-17:50         Transfer from airport to Guiyang Renaissance Hotel

17:50-18:30        Check-in at hotel

18:30-20:30       FFM Opening-up Seminar and dinner

  • Introduction of organizers and Swiss companies
  • Welcome speech by leader from Guizhou provincial government
  • Overview of Sino-Swiss activities in Guizhou by the Swiss Consulate
  • Update on latest developments and projects in Guizhou by the Commercial Department
  • Policy introduction and current status of the Sino-Swiss industrial park (now called the International Cooperation Park) by the Guiyang Free Trade Zone

Day 2 - Tuesday, March 26th

08:00-08:30    Hotel to Guiyang Free Trade Zone (贵阳综保区)

08:30-10:30     Meeting with Guiyang FTZ and Hanbang Holdings (storehouse and logistics) & Visit the cross-boarder e-commerce warehousing within the Custom redline area

10:50-11:30        Visit to Guiyang Global Big Data Exchange Center

12:00-13:30       Lunch, hosted by the Hi-Tech Zone

13:40-15:40       Visit to Guiyang National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone (贵阳国家高新区) - Below are suggested companies to visit.

  • Big Data Companies: 1) Big Data Exhibition Center; 2) Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences Guiyang Branch; 3) LongMaster (medical application)
  • Manufacturing Companies: 1) Guizhou Yangguang Electronics Technology (diodes for auto engines); 2) Guizhou Aviation Technology Development (supplier for Rolls Royce)

16:00-17:30       Big Data Seminar

  • Welcome address and introduction of the Hi-tech Zone
  • Presentation by suggested local big-data companies: Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences Guiyang Branch, LongMaster, Guiyang Golden Stand, Guiyang Global Big Data Exchange, JUSFOUN, and etc.
  • B2B exchange & networking opportunity

18:00-19:30       Dinner

Overnight: Renaissance Hotel

Day 3 - Wednesday, March 27th

08:00-09:00    Transfer from hotel to Guiyang Economic and Technology Development Zone (贵阳经开区)

09:00-11:30       Visit to companies in the Zone

  • Hisense TV manufacturer
  • Other aviation parts manufacturers,  medicine manufacturers and auto factories are located according to delegation request

12:30-14:00       Lunch and rest

14:30-17:00       China - Switzerland Business Cooperation Forum

  • Speeches by the Consul General of Switzerland in Chengdu Mr. Frank Eggmann, Swiss & Chinese representatives from CCPIT and the Guizhou provincial government
  • Presentation by the President of CCPIT Guizhou on projects, business opportunities in the region
  • Presentation by BussChem and Wengfu (case sharing & best practice)
  • B2B Sales Pitches by Swiss and Chinese companies

  • B2B Exchange & Networking Opportunity

18:00                  Dinner hosted by Tembusu with presentation about investment channels and opportunities in Guizhou (tbc)

Overnight: Renaissance Hotel

Day 4 - Thursday, March 28th  - Baijiu Factory Tour

08:00- 11:00      Transfer from hotel to Renhuai, a National Cultural and Civilization City and ranked Top 100 China Counties and Cities in High-Quality Development

11:15-14:30         Meeting and lunch at the Renhuai Economic Development Zone

  • Meeting with Renhuai city government representatives
  • Briefing by Renhuai Economic Development Zone leaders
  • Presentation and visit to project base of Renhuai Economic Development Zone to inspect (Culture Expo Park project of Chinese Han Nationality in Capital of Liquor in China, "Intelligent Renhuai")
  • Presentation by Chairman of Renhuai Moutai Flavour Liquor Industry Development and Investment Co., Ltd.
  • Visit to local Baijiu museum and blending workshop

14:30-17:00        Presentation and factory visit to baijiu investment project hosted by cross-border private equity fund manager Tembusu Partners

17:00- 19:00       Return to Guiyang

Overnight: Renaissance Hotel

The Baijiu Factory Tour is kindly co-organised by Guiyang Ruishu Investment Management Co., Ltd.

Day 5 - Friday, March 29th - Business and Culture Tour

08:00-10:30      Hotel to Kaili National Economic Development Zone (凯里国家经开区)

10:40-15:00       Meeting and Visits at the Zone

  • Meeting with the City government representative and the Zone leaders
  • Lunch
  • Visits to Guizhou Huangdi Diesel Engine Co., LTD, Zhonghao Electronics (resistor), Snow Beer Factory or a medicine supplier
  • Visit to a local and private museum for Miao minority silver ornament

16:00-18:30       Back to Guiyang  

19:00-20:30      Closing Dinner with all delegates

Overnight: Renaissance Hotel

Day 6 - Saturday, March 30th

This program is optional and offered to participants that are interested and still in Guiyang.

09:00-12:00      Visit to Gui’an New Area (贵安新区)

  1. Company visits, Options:

  • Hua Xingtong Semtech
  • FAI technology Guizhou (engine after treatment control systems)
  • GTEK (HK) Optronics Technology (OLED factory)

        2. Meeting with the management Committee of the New Area

Optional afternoon activities: Visit to the Tianhetan Scenic Park in the afternoon (The park includes all typical Guizhou geomorphic characteristics, such as karst cave, waterfall, deep pond, etc.)

Afternoon        Flights back to Switzerland

Option 1:

Guiyang - Beijing          16:15-19:30 CA4165 OR 19:20-22:25 CA1464

Beijing - Zurich              March 31st 06:45-10:40 LX197

Option 2:

Guiyang - Shenzhen     18:20-20:10 HU7342

Shenzhen - Zurich         March 31st 01:20-07:55 HU741

Fact-Finding Mission to Guizhou
March 25, 2019
Guiyang, Guizhou Province
additional info
