The new book "Der Techkrieg China gegen USA - und wo bleibt Europa" by Wolfgang Hirn has been published on 6 March 2024. Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce is honoured to have Mr. Hirn to introduce and present this new book to the readers.

A battle for technological supremacy is raging between the world powers China and the USA. China expert Wolfgang Hirn provides in this new book an exciting and insightful overview of the most important areas of competition and shows that in many tech sectors China has exceeded USA and is even the leader in some. Europe, which has been left behind, is threatened in this duel between the giants.

This event is kindly hosted by MoneyMuseum.

About the author:

Wolfgang Hirn studied economics and political science in Tübingen. After working as a business editor, he worked for many years as a reporter at Manager Magazin.

He has been travelling to China regularly since 1986, is the author of the bestseller Herausforderung China (2005) and published with Campus the books Chinas Bosse (2018) and Shenzhen (2020). He is the head of the information portal CHINAHIRN ( and lives in Berlin.

Programm Details

Book Presentation followed by Q&A
Apero kindly sponsored by MoneyMuseum
FULLY BOOKED: Book Presentation: Der Techkrieg China gegen USA - und wo bleibt Europa by Wolfgang Hirn
May 30, 2024
MoneyMuseum, Hadlaubstrasse 106, 8006 Zürich
additional info
  • This is a members only event.
  • Registration is mandatory.
  • Limited places available on a first come, first served basis.