Past Events

March 26
[Webinar by SwissCham China] Impacts and Opportunities of the COVID-19 outbreak for Human Resources
The outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus / COVID-19 has a major impact on companies doing business in and with China. To better understand its impacts and opportunities for human resources, SwissCham China organizes a webinar on Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 17h00 (China time).
March 20
Webinar on the Impacts of the COVID-19 on Logistics and Supply Chains
Speakers form Militzer & Muench International Freight Forwarding and SGS are invited to provide their insights and experiences as well as answering your questions.
Online Webinar - Zoom
March 19
Webinar: Coronavirus
Implications for Swiss companies trading with China - are we going back to «normal»?
Webinar online Switzerland
March 11
Asia Society Switzerland
Wettbewerb der Systeme? Wie die Schweiz und Europa auf China’s “Staatskapitalismus” reagieren können

Es handelt sich um einen Event mit Prof. Sebastian Heilmann, Gründungsdirektor des Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS) und Dr. Stefan Brupbacher, Direktor von Swissmem zum Staatskapitalismus in China und wie Europa und die Schweiz auf diesen reagieren können.
Volkshaus Zürich, Stauffacherstrasse 60, 8004 Zürich
March 05
POSTPONED: AICC Event - Women & Blockchain
After the success of the first event at the WTO, the Association of International Chambers of Commerce (AICC), of which SCCC is a founding member, invites you to its second event.
Biotech Campus Geneva, 9 chemin des Mines, 1202 Geneva