As the COVID-19 crisis has significantly impacted on the global economy and many people's lives, the third Swiss-Chinese Life Sciences Forum will present in two online sessions how the life sciences industry is leading through and beyond COVID-19, in particular the challenges, learning, and opportunities for the Swiss Chinese life sciences industry.

The key challenges and learnings from the COVID–19 crisis experienced by leading Chinese and Swiss life sciences companies

  • The bilateral dialogue and assistance between China and Switzerland during the COVID – 19 crisis
  • The key challenges and impacts on the line functions of commercial, supply chain, development, medical affairs.
  • How did the Chinese and Swiss companies respond to the challenges? What can be learned from each other?
  • How are the clinical trials carried out under the COVID–19 pandemic in China?
  • What are the permanent impacts to the industry post the pandemic?

The second session takes place on July 7, 2020. Find out more about session 2.

Watch here the webinar recording:

The 3rd Swiss-Chinese Life Sciences Forum 2020 - Session 1
June 30, 2020
Marco Bollier
Chief Commercial Officer, Geistlich Pharma China & Board member of SwissCham Beijing
Nils Eckardt
Vice President, Medical Affairs Europe, Beigene
Jessica Liu
Vice President, Head of International Business, Tigermed
Jinyi Li
Head of Forecasting and Supply Pharma, Roche China
Christophe Weber
President of Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce Geneva Chapter
Moderator: Fiona Gao
Attorney-at-law (New York), Senior Associate & Manager of China Life Sciences Group, VISCHER AG
additional info

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