We are delighted to invite you on May 25th in Zurich for an event that aims to give you an update on the business ecosystem in China today for foreign and especially Swiss companies.

The afternoon will be divided into two complementary parts.

First, you will hear the results of this year's Swiss Business in China Survey, a unique field survey conducted since 2006 that aims to take the pulse of the Swiss economy in China. Its results are not only informative but also allow to concretely equip those who do business in China, an attractive but complex market. The 2023 edition is conducted by the Swiss Centers, the University of St. Gallen and China Integrated and supported by the Swiss Embassy in China, economiesuisse, swissnex, Swirtzerland Global Enterprise, SwissCham China and the Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce.
To give more substance to the event, we are pleased to welcome a delegation from the city of Changzhou, a city near Shanghai with a strong international industrial base of precision machinery, pharma and medtech, new materials, advanced manufacturing, automobile and components. About 38 Swiss companies are already established there: Rieter, Mettler-Toledo, Georg-Fischer, Givaudan, HUBER+SUHNER, VZug, Medela, Buehler, Ypsomed, Reishauer, Schneeberger, SID, Angst + Pfister, Bobst and etc. During the panel discsussion you will hear about their stories in Changzhou. What is more, Changzhou has been home to over 3,900 foreign companies, including Global Fortune 500 Thyssenkrupp, Siemens, Continental, Bosch Rexroth; industrial leaders Wilo, Hoerbiger, Leoni, Felsomat, Lanxess; hidden industrial champions Rosenberger, Aumann, Guring and etc.

This event is intended to be as concrete and interactive as possible and should enable you to better identify potential business and development opportunities for your own company. The networking session that follows will allow further exchanges between participants and the various speakers.

As the capacity is limited, we invite you to register as soon as possible. You will find below the detailed program and other useful information.

This event is organized by Swiss Centers and supported by Switzerland Global Enterprise, the University of St.Gallen and the Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

Programm Details

Welcome and general introduction
MC, XIAO Zhen, CEO of the Swiss Centers
Video of Changzhou: the encounter of Smart manufacture & Innovation
Opening remarks from Changzhou authorities
CHEN Jinhu, Party Secretary of Changzhou municipal government
Consul General of P. R China in Zurich (tbc)
Jean-Jacques DE DARDEL, President of the Swiss Centers & Ambassador of Switzerland to China between 2014-2019
Preview & analysis of the results of the Swiss Business in China Survey
Nicolas MUSY, co-founder and delegate of the Board of Directors of the Swiss Centers
Introduction of major industries and policies for foreign companies in Changzhou
Panel discussion: innovation experience sharing of the Swiss manufacturing companies and beyond!
moderated by Felix SUTTER, President of the SCCC
Q&A session
Project Signing Ceremony
Networking & Cocktail
China Today: What Opportunities and Challenges for Swiss Companies?
五月 25, 2023
The Dolder Grand, Kurhausstrasse 65, 8032 Zurich

This event is free of charge, but registration is mandatory due to limited capacity. Seating will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Please send an e-mail to Mr. Romain BARRABAS, China Market Access Manager of the Swiss Centers by indicating the following information: Full name, Company name, Job title, Email address, Phone number.