“De-Risking”, a trending expression, has emerged in reference to the three trade-blocs US, EU and China in times marked by growing “economic security” considerations in global commerce and deepening skepticism towards economic interdependence in general. From an EU standpoint, “de-risking” further serves to specifically delineate from US’ approach of “de-coupling”, as per the von der Leyen speech in March 2023 that started globally popularizing this concept.

What to make of it, how to navigate and better assess the concerns for European and Swiss businesses? Should the business community and investors be worried or can they manage this situation to their advantage? Important challenges requiring diving deeper into the nature of what De-Risking is about from a policy as well as business perspective.

To help us navigate this environment and understand the implications for Europe and Switzerland, we are pleased to have on our panel Mr. Markus Herrmann Chen and Mr. Karim Daou to address these questions and sketch the broader geoeconomic context. Markus Herrmann Chen will present the key findings of the new joint report between China Macro Group (CMG) and the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC) titled “Riskful thinking: navigating the politics of economic security”. Mr. Daou will share insights including how this affects bilateral relationships by exploring different cases from a macro standpoint as well as their analysis going forward on a business level.

This event will be an opportunity for SCCC members and guests to engage with the speakers and within the SCCC community about what “de-risking” means including implications for business.

Programm Details

Welcome by the President
Jingjin Guo
CMG (presenting EUCCC-CMG report findings)
Markus Herrmann Chen
De-risking, a risk or opportunity for investors
Karim Daou
Sushi, desserts & Networking
End of event
Markus Herrmann Chen (陈瑞华)

Markus Herrmann Chen (陈瑞华)

CMG Co-Founder and Managing Director

Markus, a Swiss-Chinese, is an experienced advisor to European business and financial investors focusing on effects from China’s political economy and global geoeconomic developments on corporate strategies, organizational design and HQ-subsidiary interactions as well as strategic partnerships and negotiations of European business in the Chinese market. Prior to CMG, Markus worked as Government Affairs Director with Bayer MaterialScience in China and as Management Consultant with Boston Consulting Group (BCG) in its Shanghai, Hong Kong and Zurich offices. Markus is a Strategic Advisor Europe to Caixin Global, as well as Board member of the Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SCCC) – for the latter leading its policy and government affairs including the interface with European peer organizations and the EUCBA. He is further engaged in the advisory board of CEIBS Zurich and is a member of the World Economic Forum’s Expert Network.

Markus holds a B.A. and M.A. in Law focusing on public policy, international public, economic and WTO law from the Universities of Geneva, Bern and Fribourg, plus he studied Chinese at the Peking University as a resident student and holds a Certificate of Advanced Studies from the University of Zurich in applied ethics.

Karim DAOU

Karim DAOU

K2K CAPITAL Co-Founder and Managing Director

Karim DAOU is K2K CAPITAL co-founder and managing director,

active for over 20 years with China, developing financial relations and building ties with key industrial and private players before joining one China’s largest financial institution.
Mr. Daou took different executive level responsibilities within Swiss Banks as well as cooperating with Swiss Government bodies on financial relations with China.

In close relationship with national bodies in Switzerland advising government in their relationship with China.

Board Member of the Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

Former CIO of Bank Of China (Switzerland), he set up Bank of China’s investment operations in Switzerland

Doing business with China in times of “de-risking” | SCCC Romandie

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