The event is aimed at businesses and professionals interested in expanding to China or enhancing their existing digital presence on the Chinese market. Webrepublic is delighted to provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of China's unique digital landscape, focusing on WeChat and Baidu, and enable them with practical strategies for successfully navigating its complexities.

Book a dedicated 1:1 session of 15 minutes to discuss your concrete situation and needs. Please send an email to with your request for a 1:1 session and a short description of your question.

Programm Details

Welcome Guests
Presentations by Samuel Kirchhof, Valentina Richi and Shiyu Piao Stocker (aka Jacky)

Networking & Apero (19:00-22:00)
1:1 Sessions (send an email to in order to secure your slot)
Samuel Kirchhof

Samuel Kirchhof

Co-heads the Performance Marketing Unit at Webrepublic, offering services holistcally around performance driven channels such as Search, E-Commerce, YouTube and App Marketing for domestic and international clients. He holds a Master of Science in Business Administration and has previously worked in marketing research.

Valentina Richi

Valentina Richi

Service Owner International Marketing at Webrepublic, she drives digital marketing excellence for clients across the world. With over a decade of experience, she navigates global and local trends to deliver innovative solutions. Due to also her background in ancient languages she undertakes to leverage the power of human connection in a digital age.

Shiyu Piao Stocker (aka Jacky)

Shiyu Piao Stocker (aka Jacky)

Senior Specialist in the Performance Marketing Unit at Webrepublic, where specialized digital marketing solutions are offered not only in China but also across the APAC markets. She has collaborated with numerous clients from diverse industries to facilitate their entry into the Chinese market through effective digital marketing strategies. Her contributions have successfully enhanced brand awareness and driven business growth for her clients.

Demystifying China's Digital Landscape: WeChat, Baidu, and Latest Trends Explained
  • Registration is mandatory.
  • Limited places will be reserved on a first come, first served basis.