
九月 08
72nd International Retail Summit - Special Member Price
Attend the 72nd International Retail Summit at a reduced member price.
九月 06
Cross-Border Data Transfer from Switzerland to China – and vice versa.
Cross-border data transfer is an area of growing importance for clients acting on an international scale.
Online (Link will be provided 1 day prior to event)
七月 07
La Chine aujourd’hui : quels (nouveaux) risques et opportunités pour les entreprises suisses ?
Terre d’opportunités mais non sans obstacle, la première puissance commerciale planétaire est paradoxalement mal connue!
Chambre de commerce, d'industrie et des services de Genève 4, boulevard du Théâtre 1204 Genève
六月 29
Distribution of Swiss Products in China
Come to the Lunch & Learn with VISCHER about "Distribution of Swiss Products in China"
VISCHER, Schützengasse 1, 8021 Zürich
六月 29
Short-notice Webinar: China in 2022 – Between Shocks and Stimulus
Online (Zoom)