This year on the 3-4 December 2019 the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) is hosting the 20th Hong Kong Forum.

The Hong Kong Forum is the annual flagship event of the Federation of Hong Kong Business Associations Worldwide, a unique network of 43 Hong Kong Business Associations in 32 countries and regions with more than 13,000 individual business executives and professionals from around the world as member associates.

This year's Forum features interactive networking sessions & young executive programme, the latest update on HKSAR goverment's various initiatives and latest development of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, free admission to Asia E-tailing Summit, mastering the winning strategies in digital merketing, learning about current trends of smart living and how Hong Kong is responding to these new developments and the keynote speech by senior government official.

In addition, on 5-7 December 2019 there will be the Hong Kong Forum Side trip to Dongguan & Foshan.

The 3-day program includes the visit to the leading local enterprises and the call on government officials of Dongguan and Foshan.

20th Hong Kong Forum - Sidetrip to Dongguan & Foshan
December 03, 2019
Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre
additional info


Register here until the 18 October 2019

The Side Trip to Dongguan and Foshan is served on first come first served basis