The webinar will be live on February 23, 24 and 25. Register for your favorite date and time:

23rd of February 12 PM
24th of February 5 PM (Deutsch)
25th of February 12 PM

Are you facing challenges in consolidating your global data center infrastructure? Is your company struggling with reliable application performance especially in China and South East Asia? Customers have been able to address their biggest connectivity challenges with the help of Aryaka and Deutsche Telekom Global Business Solutions.

During Chinese New Year, Channel Manager DACH & CEE Alison Jaina and Managing DTGBS Schweiz AG Managing Director Arne Lutsch will host a 40min webinar regarding our SmartConnect and SmartCloud service solution improving procurement and application performance.

Entrance fee: free of charge


Programm Details

Aryaka, Chinese Connectivity Challenges and Application Performance
Alison Jaina, Channel Manager DACH & CEE
Lights on 2021: What does the Metal Ox say?
Luisa Schellenbaum, Taiji and Qi Gong Teacher & BaZi Consultant at Centre Mingshan
Aryaka & Deutsche Telekom Global Business Solutions Success Story
Alison Jaina, Channel Manager DACH & CEE & Arne Lutsch, Managing Director at Deutsche Telekom
Q&A and Closing
Alison Jaina

Alison Jaina

Channel Manager DACH & CEE at Aryaka

Arne Lutsch

Arne Lutsch

Managing Director at Deutsche Telekom

Luisa Schellenbaum

Luisa Schellenbaum

Qi Gong Teacher & BaZi Consultant at Centre Mingshan

China Connectivity Challenges
February 23, 2021
Alison Jaina
Channel Manager DACH & CEE at Aryaka
Arne Lutsch
Managing Director at Deutsche Telekom
Luisa Schellenbaum
Qi Gong Teacher & BaZi Consultant at Centre Mingshan