The Chinese Cyber security Law (CSL) will be in effect as of June 1, 2017. What does the law cover? Why is it so important? Why have so many states appealed to China to delay the implementation of the law? And why is it crucial to understand the implications? We answer these questions in this luncheon, explain the background and the legal implications. Without doubt the CSL has implications for EVERY company that has operations in mainland China.

The timeline is tight as compliance has to be achieved by December 31st 2017, in order to meet the deadlines. The situation is further complicated as numerous ministries and industry regulators have to issue guidelines and regulations that are only available in draft at best.

What is the timeline, what can be expected by when and who should be involved from a management point of view? The Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce will follow this topic closely and inform our members and stakeholders in a timely manner.

Join us on that journey and do not miss the opportunity to be informed on this important and developing topic. The speakers are Felix Sutter, President of the Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Head of the Asia Business Group at PwC. As a certified CISA, CISM, CGEIT, and CRISC he will explain what needs to be done to be compliant; Lukas Zuest, LL.M. Attorney at Law, Counsel and Head China Desk VISCHER AG is shedding lights on the legal implications of the CSL.

We look forward to seeing you soon. 

China Cyber Security Law
June 12, 2017
Hotel Eden au Lac, Utoquai 45, 8008 Zurich