A commonly accepted thesis is that China's spectacular economic development and the expansion of a middle class will sooner or later lead to a liberalization of its political system and a more or less soft evolution towards democracy. Yet, this thesis seems fragile in view of the actual functioning of the Chinese political system and its relations with the society. Many reasons make the continuation of an authoritarian and modernizing regime led by the Communist Party much more probable, the main one being the broad consensus of the elites around this project. This potential evolution poses a challenge for Hong Kong, where much of society demands more political autonomy and democracy. Can China submit Hong Kong? Or, can Hong Kong influence China's political future?

Entrance fee: Free

Language of the conference: French

Registration deadline: Friday, November 29, 2019


Programm Details

Registration & Welcome
Demain la Chine: Démocratie ou Dictature?
Mr. Jean-Pierre Cabestan
Demain la Chine: Démocratie ou Dictature? By Mr. Jean-Pierre Cabestan
December 03, 2019
Auditorium A2, Graduate Institute Geneva – Chemin Eugène Rigot 2, 1202 Geneva