The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI), the Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Lugano City will organize the webinar “Women Entrepreneurship” on 31st August from 10h00.

The webinar takes inspiration from the contents of the documentary “The Other Half of the Sky”, by Patrick Sörgel, 2016, which will be available to the registered participants from 23rd to 29th August.

The invited speakers coming from the academic and industrial world will provide their views about various interesting topics characterizing the modern globalized world, such as:

  • The collaboration between Swiss and Chinese companies
  • Challenges and opportunities for international supply chain management in a context of globalization
  • The importance of cultural aspects in setting international collaboration with Chinese companies
  • The role of women in promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in China and in Switzerland

The webinar will be also the occasion to start a comprehensive debate concerning general topics such as:

  • The role of education and research for fostering China-Switzerland cooperation
  • The role of China in the globalized economy
  • The role of China for Swiss companies: market sales and supply chain collaborations
  • The changing role of China in the innovation landscape

The webinar is designed for addressing the interests of a manifold audience: higher education students, representative of companies and institutions having or planning relationships with Chinese counterparts, persons interested to deepen their knowledge about the Chinese culture.

The participation to the webinar and the vision of the documentary is free of charge.

In order to attend the webinar and receive the link for accessing the documentary a registration is requested by 24th August 2021 through the online form (click here) or via e-mail (

Programm Details

Introduction and Welcome
Claudio Boër, Vice President of SUPSI
Introduction China-Switzerland cooperation in Education
Xi Ru, Counselor of Education Section, Chinese Embassy to Switzerland (tbc)
The making of “The Other Half of the Sky”
Nicola Genni, Producer of documentary “The Other Half of the Sky”
1st testimonial
Eva Wang, CEO, Heberlein AG
2nd testimonial
Hong Lu Rohner, CEO, Dr. Lu GmbH
3rd testimonial
Giselle Rufer Delance, Founder, Delance Swiss Watches
4th testimonial
Cholley Paydar Bavandpour, President of CHOLLEY SA


Alex Chung

Asian Affairs Delegate of Lugano City and Chairman of Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce Ticino


Luca Canetta

Professor at Institute of Systems and Technologies for Sustainable Production, SUPSI
Engineering practice within Chinese and Swiss culture: “Women Entrepreneurship”
August 31, 2021
additional info

This event is free of charge.  

Please register for this event by 24th August 2021 through the online form (click here) or via e-mail (

Download the event flyer HERE.