Duties of the Board of Directors During the COVID-19 Crises – Are They Different Than in Any Other Crisis?

The strategic and financial overall management of a Swiss company is a non-transferable and inalienable duty of the board of directors. In times of crisis, liquidity and threatening over-indebtedness should become a primary focus of the board of directors. Special considerations must be taken by the board of directors of a Swiss subsidiary belonging to a (foreign) group of companies. Lukas Zuest from Vischer AG will explain the board of director's duties during a crisis and to what extent the legal situation is different in the current COVID-19 crisis.

Debt Enforcement and Bankruptcy after the COVID-19 Crises

Because of the COVID-19 Crisis, the risk to encounter unpaid debts and bankruptcy proceedings has increased sharply. The two speakers from Meyerlustenberger Lachenal (MLL)'s China Desk Team, Florian Müller, Head China Desk, and May-Si Hau, Senior Associate, will therefore share their knowledge about Debt Enforcement and Bankruptcy Proceedings in Switzerland and China.

The webinar will be moderated by Esther Nägeli, President Legal Chapter & SHKBA, Nägeli Attorneys-at-Law. After each presentation, you will have the opportunity to ask questions.

Watch here the webinar recording:

Legal Chapter Webinar - June Edition II
June 25, 2020
Lukas Zuest, VISCHER AG
Florian Müller, Meyerlustenberger Lachenal (MLL)
May-Si Hau, Meyerlustenberger Lachenal (MLL)
additional info

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We use Zoom for the webinar.

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