Past Events
May 04
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
Vortragsreihe Herausforderung China - Implikationen und Ansätze für die Schweiz
FHNW Campus Olten, Von Roll-Strasse 10, 4600 Olten and online
April 26
Monthly Virtual Get-Together
Participate in our monthly get-together series and enjoy casual conversations with fellow SCCC and SHKBA members.
Online (Zoom)
April 22
"Common Prosperity", the impact of Chinese policies on the Swiss economy
Sala degli specchi , Villa Ciani
April 08
Short-notice webinar: Impact of the lockdown and COVID-19 measures on companies in China
Online (Zoom)
April 07
Cross-Cultural Management In Chinese Context: How To Turn Differences Into Advantages
Cross-Cultural Management In Chinese Context: How To Turn Differences Into Advantages
Online (Zoom)