The Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce is happy to cooperate with SwissCham Beijing on this webinar on the topic of sustainability on Thursday, January 20.

It is our honor to have our guest speakers, Mr. Marc Häsler, Mr. Claude-Alain Boillat and Mr. Vincent Glauser from H&B Law who will talk about sustainability disclosure related issues. Dr. Heidi Mittelbach and Beat Stemmler from Intep – Integrale Planung GmbH will discuss the topic on sufficiency-oriented entrepreneurship - pathways to the green economy.

After the presentations, you will have the opportunity to exchange points of views with our guest speakers and other attendees in the Sino-Swiss economic sphere.

This webinar is organized in cooperation with SwissCham Beijing.

Programm Details

Opening Remarks
Q&A Session
Closing of Webinar
Heidi Mittelbach

Heidi Mittelbach

Team Leader at Intep - Integrale Planung GmbH

Dr. Heidi Mittelbach holds a PhD of ETH Zürich in climate and atmospheric sciences. She researched at ETH Zurich about new perspectives and innovative solutions in the field of climate relevant variables and worked in private companies in the fields of sustainable business, communication and climate-friendly nutrition. Since 2018, Dr. Heidi Mittelbach has been working at intep and joined the management board in 2021. Her work focuses on sufficiency, sustainability strategies, and user communication. In order to create a holistic view of sustainability, she integrates the strategy of sufficiency in the areas of corporate growth, civil society and future-oriented construction.
Marc Häsler

Marc Häsler

Partner at H&B Law

Marc Haesler advises Swiss and foreign companies in their development in local and international markets, with particular emphasis on trade and distribution, creation of legal structures, joint ventures and economic partnerships. He is responsible for Swiss Distribution in the french-speaking part of Switzerland as well. Marc Haesler also has an area of expertise focusing on new technologies and start-ups, in particular biotechnology, life sciences and internet. He also represents individuals in matters of transmission and protection of property during international assignments and expatriation.
Claude-Alain Boillat

Claude-Alain Boillat

Partner at H&B Law

Claude-Alain Boillat advises Swiss and foreign companies, especially in the fields of energy, trading and raw materials. His expertise concerns in particular the countries of the CIS and China. He also assists companies in commercial disputes before State or Arbitration courts. Moreover, he counsels foreigners when establishing in Switzerland and represents individuals, as well as foreign states, in cases of white collar crime and money laundering.
Vincent Glauser

Vincent Glauser

Paralegal at H&B Law

Vincent Glauser has completed his Bachelor of Arts in Law & Economics at the University of St.Gallen (HSG) in 2019. As Paralegal he specialises on the Chinese market, company and contract law as well as on legal-tech, artificial intelligence and blockchain besides his studies at HSG to complete a Master of Arts in Law & Economics. He has been active at the Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Beijing from August 2019 through May 2020 as assistant to the General Manager and Events Manager.
Sustainability Disclosure & Sufficiency-Oriented Entrepreneurship
January 20, 2022
Online (Zoom)
Heidi Mittelbach
Team Leader at Intep - Integrale Planung GmbH
Beat Stemmler
Intep – Integrale Planung GmbH
Marc Häsler
Partner at H&B Law
Claude-Alain Boillat
Partner at H&B Law
Vincent Glauser
Paralegal at H&B Law
additional info

This webinar is organized in cooperation with SwissCham Beijing.

The access information for the webinar will be sent to you prior to the event.