Retail is a significant driver of economic value and employment in Europe. The retail sector, particularly brick-and-mortar retailers, faces a number of structural challenges. China's retail sector is also in the middle of fundamental shifts around how and where people buy things.

In the world's second-largest economy, e-Commerce's influence has been particularly profound, with almost a quarter of retail sales made online. However, China's brick-and-mortar retailers are fighting back, with their own playbook. "New Retail” is an efficiency-driven set of tactics, aimed at stemming storefront retail's malaise. Michael Norris, an expert on New Retail, will share what's driving New Retail, what it looks like in practice, and how it might be applied in European contexts.

Entrance fees (SCCC, CCIG, Trade Club de Genève): Members CHF 30.- / Non-members CHF 60.-

Registration deadline: September 23, 2019

Programm Details

Welcome words
Vincent Subilia, Director General at CCIG and Vice-President at Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Geneva Chapter
Brief Contextualization
Sébastien Aeschbach, CEO at Aeschbach
Introduction of the speaker
Nicolas de Toledo, Managing Director at Mosaiq SA
The New Retail: Insights from China
Michael Norris, Research & Strategy Manager at ChinaAgency and New Retail Expert at Mosaiq SA
Discussion and Q/A
Moderated by Sébastien Aeschbach
Breakfast & Networking
The New Retail: Insights from China
September 25, 2019
Maison de l'Economie, 4 bvd du Théâtre, 1204 Genève