The Swiss Centers China, and the St. Gallen Institute of Management in Asia (SGI-HSG), in partnership with the Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SCCC), Geneva Chapter, join forces for the third time to offer a one-and-a-half-day seminar dedicated to the Swiss companies who have or who plan to set up subsidiaries in China, and who wish to improve cross-border management methods.

On the basis of their practical expertise with 100 subsidiaries in China and combined with their research, they offer a program to equip each participant with a comprehensive view and practical approach on how subsidiaries in China function. The program is composed of multiple points of view from Chinese society and management practices, to ensure that participants understand both the social and business environment that affect foreign-invested businesses in China. 

Programme: please refer to your invitation received by email

Registration: please kindly register via with the following information: Name, surname, company name, function, email address, phone number

Seminar - Subsidiary in China: Success for the Headquarter
十月 31, 2019
Neuchâtel, Switzerland (Venue TBC)