Dear members and friends of the SCCC and SHKBA

We cordially invite you to the 40th AGM of the Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SCCC) and the 15th AGM of the Swiss-Hong Kong Business Association (SHKBA) on Thursday, October 29, 2020. The AGM has been postponed to this date due to the coronavirus crisis.

This year's AGM marks the 40th anniversary of the Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce. We are looking forward to sharing the results of the Chamber’s work during the past 12 months with you and to shaping the chamber's future together with you.

Following the AGM, we will have the chance to listen to Mrs. Jinny Yan, Chief China Economist, ICBC Standard Bank from London, UK on "What Does China’s Macro Outlook Mean for the Rest of the World?"

We look forward to seeing you on that special day!

Watch the recording here:

Download the presentation of the keynote speech "What Does China's Macro Outlook Mean for the Rest of the World?" by Mrs. Jinny Yan here:

Download the presentation of the report on bilateral economic relations between Switzerland and China by Mr. Felix Rosenberger here:

Download the Annual Report 2019 of the SCCC here.

Programm Details

40th Annual General Meeting SCCC
17:30  Opening of the 40th Annual General Meeting of the SCCC
17:35  Welcome Remarks

  • His Excellency, Mr. Wang Shiting, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Switzerland
17:40 Report on Bilateral Economic Relations between Switzerland and China

  • Mr. Felix Rosenberger, Deputy Head of Section, Bilateral Economic Relations Asia/Oceania, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs
17:50  Activity Report SCCC 2019
  Approval of the Accounts for the Year 2019, Budget 2020
  Release of the Board
  Changes of the Board

  • Board Resignations
  • Board Elections
  • Election of the Advisory Board
  Election of the Auditors for 2020
Antrag auf Ergänzung der Statuten: §23 Das Maximalalter für die Nominierung als Vorstandsmitglied liegt bei 65 Jahre und der nominierte Kandidat muss bei einem Arbeitgeber angestellt sein oder aktiv ein Geschäft betreiben. (Request for change of Articles of Association: §23 The maximum age for nomination as board member is 65 and the nominated candidate must be employed by an employer or actively pursuing a business)

  Activity Report Geneva Chapter 2019
  Activity Report Ticino Chapter 2019
15th Annual General Meeting SHKBA
What Does China’s Macro Outlook Mean for the Rest of the World?
Ms. Jinny Yan, ICBC Standard Bank
Closing of AGM
Ms. Jinny Yan

Ms. Jinny Yan

Chief China Economist, ICBC Standard Bank

Jinny Yan leads the China markets strategy and research team. Her focus is to deliver China macroeconomic and market insights to internal and external stakeholders. Jinny studied Economics (BA Hons) at the University of Durham and gained a Master of Developments Studies (MSc) from the London School of Economics.
40th Annual General Meeting 2020 SCCC & 15th AGM of SHKBA
十月 29, 2020

Please register for the AGM here.