Foreign companies are discovering that Chinese companies have more to offer than simply low cost products. Several Chinese companies have demonstrated their potential for creativity: Alibaba, Baidu or Tencent in the Internet, Huawei, Miui or Focus Media in information technologies, iFlyTek, Sense Time, Megvii, Yitu Technology and Malong Technology in artificial intelligence – to quote a few. On the creativity side, Chinese managers can be very pragmatic, and they know how to manage networks. But creativity requires time – a resource hard to find in a society valuing instantaneity; creativity relies on criticism of common paths, challenging established paradigms – a logic which is not favored neither by the autocratic power in place, nor by the Confucianism’s principles. How those dimensions will impact the future of artificial intelligence – for which China has very ambitious plans, is precisely the objective of this panel.


Programm Details

Workshop: Can China be creative?
Prof. Georges Haour, IMD Switzerland

Workshop run by Prof. Georges Haour, IMD, Switzerland. The aim of this workshop is to build on participant’s knowledge to identify forces impacting on creativity in the Chinese national system of innovation (universities, research centers, science parks, start-ups, large companies, etc.). In the first part of the workshop, experts will first lead discussions within groups of 3 to 4 participants and in the second part, experts will report to others on the conclusions of their group on incentives and obstacles to creativity.

Panel: Creativity x China x AI
Panel of Speakers
  • Alexandre Gaillard, CEO InvestGlass
  • Li Jiawen, Visiting Researcher, Institute Confucius de l’Université de Genève
  • Fiorenzo Manganiello, Advisory Board Member, Lian Group
  • Basile Zimmermann, Professor, Institute Confucius de l’Université de Genève
  • Moderator: Dr. Dominique Jolly, Chair School of Business & Technology, Webster University Geneva

Prof. Georges Haour

Professor at IMD Switzerland

Alexandre Gaillard

President at SCCC Romandie Chapter CEO at InvestGlass SA

Jia Wen

Graduate from the Master in Innovation, Human Development, and Sustainability at the University of Geneva, and the Master of Public Policy for Sustainable Development Goals at Tsinghua University

Fiorenzo Manganiello

Co-Founder at LIAN Group Professor of Blockchain Technologies at Geneva Business School

Basile Zimmermann

Senior Lecturer and Director at Confucius Institute of the University of Geneva

Dominique Jolly

Professor of Business Strategy at Webster University Geneva

Creativity Week, 3rd Edition Satellite Event: Creativity & China
六月 08, 2021
Online on Zoom
Prof. Georges Haour
Professor at IMD Switzerland
Alexandre Gaillard
President at SCCC Romandie Chapter CEO at InvestGlass SA
Jia Wen
Graduate from the Master in Innovation, Human Development, and Sustainability at the University of Geneva, and the Master of Public Policy for Sustainable Development Goals at Tsinghua University
Fiorenzo Manganiello
Co-Founder at LIAN Group Professor of Blockchain Technologies at Geneva Business School
Basile Zimmermann
Senior Lecturer and Director at Confucius Institute of the University of Geneva
Dominique Jolly
Professor of Business Strategy at Webster University Geneva