In "An eye for opportunity: Innovation and the COVID-19 crisis", Mark Greeven, Professor of Innovation and Strategy at the IMD and Sheng Bin, Managing Director, State Development & Investment Corporation (SDIC) in Shanghai will discuss how Chinese companies remained innovative in the midst of the lockdown and how we should ready ourselves for economic life after the virus. The webinar will be moderated by Richard Francis, Global Projects Advisor.

Coronavirus-related disruption has been severe. But as after any economic crisis, the green shoots of innovative ideas will break through. Join us to consider what and where those might be, and how China, in particular, will seek to nurture and grow these shoots.

This webinar is kindly co-organized together with Swiss Re Institute

Register HERE.

An eye for opportunity: Innovation and the COVID-19 crisis
四月 28, 2020
Online Webinar
Mark Greeven
Professor of Innovation and Strategy, IMD Business School
Bin Sheng
Senior Advisor, State Development & Investment Corporation Ltd. (SDIC)
Moderator: Richard Francis
Global Projects Advisor

The webinar is free of charge.

Register HERE