In May, Chinese premier Li Keqiang announced China was abandoning its GDP target for the first time in decades, citing "great uncertainty regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and the world economic and trade environment."

Few have better insights into how the government regards these 'great uncertainties' than veteran award-winning journalist and China specialist Benjamin Kang Lim. Ben will elaborate what is really on the minds of public and business leaders in China as they chart a path between Asia, Europe and America. He will question whether Western media paint an accurate picture of China, and what the implications may be if it does not. The webinar will be moderated by Richard Francis.

Read here the full biographies of Benjamin Kang Lim and Richard Francis.

This webinar is kindly co-organized together with Swiss Re Institute

Off-target: China's new goals in a post-pandemic world
六月 12, 2020
Online Webinar
Benjamin Kang Lim
Global Affairs Correspondent, The Straits Times
Moderator: Richard Francis
Global Projects Advisor

The webinar is free of charge.

Register HERE