With organisations all over the globe having to adapt and adjust their business models to survive the recent global pandemic, what does this mean for the future of international trade and relations? During this webinar we will hear from China experts Robert Wiest and Prof. Changhyun Kim on how business models in the East are changing, how it compares to the West and what doing business with China might look like in a post pandemic world.

This webinar is organized by the Swiss Re Institue and the CEIBS.

Post Pandemic Emergence of New Business Models
六月 10, 2020
Online Webinar - Zoom
Prof. Changhyun Kim
Assistant Professor of Strategy, CEIBS
Robert Wiest
Chief Operating Officer Reinsurance, Swiss Re
Moderator: Dr Robert Straw
CEO, CEIBS Zurich Campus

The webinar is free of charge.

To register, please click HERE.