Dear members of the SCCC and SHKBA,

We cordially invite you to the 42nd Annual General Meeting of the Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SCCC) and the 17th AGM of the Swiss-Hong Kong Business Association (SHKBA).

We are looking forward to sharing the results of the chamber’s work during the past 12 months with you and to shaping the chamber's future together with you.

We are exceptionally happy about this year's AGM, because we can gather in person again after such a long time. Our host and sponsor Credit Suisse is generously offering the Credit Suisse Forum St. Peter for this occasion.

We look forward to seeing many of you!

Programm Details

Opening of the 42nd Annual General Meeting
Felix Sutter, President SCCC,
Welcome Remarks by Chinese Embassy
Ambassador Wang Shihting
Report by SECO on Bilateral Economic Relations between Switzerland and China
Fabienne Wassermann, Head Asia/Oceania SECO
42nd Annual General Meeting SCCC
Activity Report SCCC 2021 Felix Sutter
Approval of the Accounts for the Year 2021, Budget 2022 Andreas Herzog  
Release of the Board Philipp Boksberger
Changes of the Board

  • Board Resignations
  • Board Elections
  • Election of the Advisory Board
Felix Sutter
Election of the Auditors for 2020 Felix Sutter
Activity Report Romandie Chapter 2021 Alexandre Gaillard
Activity Report Ticino Chapter 2021
Alex Chung  

17th Annual General Meeting SHKBA
Esther Nägeli, President SHKBA
Closing of AGM and Apero
42nd Annual General Meeting SCCC & 17th AGM of SHKBA
六月 08, 2022
Credit Suisse Forum St. Peter | St. Peterstrasse 19, 8001 Zürich

Registration is mandatory. The attendance is open and free of charge for all members.

The AGM is kindly hosted and sponsored by Credit Suisse.

Event Host: