Let's come together to SCCC's and UBS's joint event on Sustainability & Sustainable Finance.

UBS experts discuss the perspectives on sustainability targets and sustainable finance, regarding how UBS sets the course for the successful transition to a sustainable and low-carbonbusiness in line with the commitments UBS made as a founding partner of the Principles of Responsible Banking and the Net Zero Banking Alliance.

Join us on May 12, 2022 for this interesting topic, meet old and new friends and enjoy the apero and drinks. We are looking forward to welcoming you to this event!


Programm Details

Welcome Note UBS
Roger Bieri, Head Multinationals & Swiss Corporate Clients International & CIC Europe at UBS
Impact of the pandemic in China and the Ukraine war on the world economy
Felix Sutter, President SCCC
UBS Sustainability and Impact Strategy & Net Zero Commitment
Christian Leitz, Lead Corporate Responsibility UBS
Sustainable Finance – Green Bond / ESG Linked Synd. Loans
Michael Keller, Head Multinationals Relationship Management UBS
Panel discussion and Q&A
Christian Leitz | Michael Keller | Moderator: Roger Bieri
Closing Note
Roger Bieri
Roger Bieri

Roger Bieri

Managing Director, Head Corporate & Institutional Clients Multinationals, Swiss Corporate Clients International, CIC Europe UBS

Roger Bieri has been with UBS since 1995 in Berne, Stamford, New York, Singapore and relocated to Zurich in August 2019. He is a member of the CIC Management Committee and responsible for Swiss Corporate Clients International and CIC Europe at UBS. He is in the Advisory Board of the Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce and was the former Vice Chairman of the Board of the Swiss Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Singapore.

Christian Leitz

Christian Leitz

Managing Director, Lead Corporate Responsibility UBS

Christian Leitz coordinates UBS's sustainability reporting and has particular responsibilities in the area of stakeholder management. As Secretary to the UBS Corporate Culture and Responsibility Committee (CCRC), he assists the Committee's Chair in their agenda and documentation. Christian has worked on a large range of sustainability topics and regularly gives workshops and presentations on sustainability in general and at UBS, and on specific topics and issues.

Michael Keller

Michael Keller

Managing Director, Head Corporate Clients Multinationals UBS

Michael heads the Relationship Management Multinationals team, which manages the approximately 330 largest corporate clients in Switzerland. He has been working for UBS for 20 years. Before joining UBS, Michael worked for ABB where he was responsible for the structuring and commercialization of financing projects. Michael is a Swiss Banking School graduate and completed an executive management program at Harvard Business School.

Sustainability & Sustainable Finance
五月 12, 2022
Nüschelerstrasse 9, 8001 Zürich | UBS Conference Center Grünenhof
Roger Bieri
Managing Director, Head Corporate & Institutional Clients Multinationals, Swiss Corporate Clients International, CIC Europe UBS
Christian Leitz
Managing Director, Lead Corporate Responsibility UBS
Michael Keller
Managing Director, Head Corporate Clients Multinationals UBS

Registration is mandatory.

Substitutes for registered persons unable to attend are mandatory.

This event is kindly co-organized and hosted by UBS.