Discover the allure of Hong Kong as a Leading Hub and Gateway for Family Offices at our exclusive event hosted by the Swiss-Hong Kong Business Association and Invest Hong Kong.

Explore the latest policies and incentives for family offices in Hong Kong, unraveling the advantages for European/international families.

Join us for an enriching evening where industry leaders and experts will share invaluable insights, fostering a deeper understanding of Hong Kong's potential as a hub and gateway for family offices.

  • Format: Presentation and Q&A followed by networking drinks

  • Attendees: Family members, family office principals, family advisers, private bankers, asset managers, legal advisers, tax advisers and other experts

  • Hosts: Swiss Hong Kong Business Association jointly with Invest Hong Kong

  • Finalized speakers (in alphabetical order)
          Charles Ng, Associate Director General of Investment Promotion, Invest Hong Kong
          Dong Chen, Chief Asia Strategist, Pictet Wealth Management
          Eric Landolt, Global Co Head, Family Advisory, Art and Collecting, UBS
          Patrick Aisher, Chairman, Kinled Holding Limited
          Peter Vogel, International Institute for Management Development (IMD) Business
          School, Professor of Family Business and Entrepreneurship & Director of the Global
          Family Business Center, Author of Family Office Navigator
          Robert Buchbauer, Vice Chairman Swarovski International Holding and Board
          Member of various companies inside and outside the Swarovski Group
          Marcel Schmid, President of Swiss Hong Kong Business Association and Zipo Lai,  Head of                        Family Office, Europe of Invest Hong Kong, will moderate this event

  • This is a non public event (Chatham house rule).


Programm Details

Presentation and Panel Discussion
Apéro Riche
Hong Kong - A Leading Hub and Gateway for Family Offices
六月 17, 2024
UBS Conference Center Gruenenhof, Nüschelerstrasse 9, 8001 Zürich
  • Registration is mandatory.
  • Limited places will be reserved on a first come, first served basis.