
六月 15
Luxury goods market shaping the growth in China
Is China still taking the lead in demand for Swiss luxury brands ?
Chambre de commerce, d'industrie et des services de Genève 4, boulevard du Théâtre 1204 Genève
六月 08
42nd Annual General Meeting SCCC & 17th AGM of SHKBA
Meet members in person again at the AGM 2022!
Credit Suisse Forum St. Peter | St. Peterstrasse 19, 8001 Zürich
六月 01
28th Annual General Meeting SCCC Romandie Chapter
Annual General Meeting Romandie Chapter
Maison de l'Economie, 4, boulevard du Théâtre - 1204 Genève
五月 20
Chinese New Year Celebration 2022
We invite our members, partners and friends to celebrate the Year of the Tiger with us in a festive atmosphere.
Swiss Re Centre for Global Dialogue, Gheistrasse 37, 8803 Rüschlikon
五月 19
China’s economic and financial outlook amidst global uncertainties- Insights from ICBC
In light of the still ongoing Covid 19 pandemic and the conflict in Ukraine, our three specialists from ICBC will try to analyze the potential economic impact on the Chinese economy.
Chambre de commerce, d'industrie et des services de Genève 4, boulevard du Théâtre 1204 Genève