
十一月 01
The Rise of the Yuan and the End of Dollar Hegemony?
Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SCCC), Geneva Chapter has the pleasure to invite you to the 7th Annual CTA Conference 2018 organized by the Commodity Trading Alumni - CTA.
Forum Crédit Suisse, rue de Lausanne 11-19, 1201 Geneva
十月 25
NextGen CH
NextGenCH Event - Next Generation Leadership
Hotel Fourpoints Sheraton Sihlcity, Kalandergasse 1, 8045 Zürich
十月 24
CEIBS Insights 2018 | The 4th Europe Forum
Forum St. Peter, St. Peterstrasse 19, 8001 Zürich
十月 24
Hong Kong as a Leading International Financial Centre - Opportunities in Hong Kong for the Swiss Business
Business Lunch on the occasion of the visit of Mr. James LAU, Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury of Hong Kong, to Zurich on 24 October 2018.
Widder Hotel, Rennweg 7, 8001 Zürich
十月 23
One Belt and One Road
The British-Swiss Chamber of Commerce, supported by The Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and sponsored by HSBC invite you to join us for an exclusive event on 23rd October 2018.
Folium, Kalanderplatz 6, 8045 Zürich