
九月 13
*SOLD OUT* Swiss-Chinese Life Sciences Forum “Chinese Pharma Goes Global”
Registration open for the 2nd Swiss-Chinese Life Sciences Forum “Chinese Pharma Goes Global” with high profile speakers!
Novartis Campus, Fabrikstrasse 2, 4056 Basel
九月 08
Chinese Association of Science and Technology in Switzerland (CASTS)
Finance.Women.Career & Blockchain in China
Saturday, September 8, 2018, from 13:00 to 16:30 at Zürich ETH main building, Room: HG D 7.2. Languages: English/German. Free admission, registration is required.
Zürich ETH main Building, Room: HG D 7.2
九月 06
Sino-Swiss Economic Forum 2018
On the occasion of the official visit to China of the Head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research, His Excellency Federal Councillor Johann N. Schneider-Ammann, SwissCham Beijing, in association with the Embassy of Switzerland in the People’s Republic of China, is delighted to announce the 5th edition of the Sino-Swiss Economic Forum.

 The Sino-Swiss Economic Forum 2018 (SSEF 2018) will focus on the topic of free trade today and in the future. Four years after the entry into force of the Free Trade Agreement between Switzerland and China (FTA), trade flows between the two countries have been growing robustly and the number of companies making use of the FTA is increasing to reap even more benefits in the future, the two countries have committed themselves to a further enhancement of the FTA on the occasion of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s State visit to Switzerland in January 2017. The SSEF 2018 builds a platform for high level experts from various disciplines, such as business, economics, politics, architecture, future studies and art. Two panel discussions in the afternoon will focus on the potentials of free trade on specific markets and take a broader look into the future.
Venue details mentioned in your invitation
九月 06
Swiss Centers China
Subsidiary in China: Key to Success for the Headquarter
Since 2010, China has been Switzerland’s most important trading partner in Asia and the third-largest globally. The growing number of subsidiaries set up in China is often accompanied by lack of understanding of China’s social and economic background from headquarters in Switzerland. The Swiss Centers China and the St. Gallen Institute of Management in Asia (SGI-HSG) will join forces to offer the second edition of the seminar “Subsidiary in China – Key to Success for the Headquarter” in Switzerland in this summer. The first edition last year achieved a great success, offering a comprehensive view and practical approach on foreign investment in China to Swiss business leaders who manage a subsidiary in China or have plans to set up one. This year the seminar will maintain its high quality, aiming to inform participants on the investment environment on the basis of practical experience. It will also include a practical workshop session to provide answers to the concrete case studies the participants present.
八月 31
China Club - Private reception
Institut Confucius de l'Université de Genève