Past Events

September 15
Swiss-Chinese Life Sciences Forum:
Challenges, Responses and Opportunities in the Chinese Health Sector
The Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce,, the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland and F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG cordially invite you to participate at the Swiss-Chinese Life Sciences Forum
F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Grenzacherstrasse 124, 4070 Basel
June 29
China - why now?
China is a large market for Swiss companies. How can the current economic developments be interpreted? Is China in stagnation? How is the Chineseeconomy evolving? We address these questions at our event and show that the Chinese manufacturing industry is more dependent on Swiss technology thanever before.
ZKB Hard office building
June 29
CCIG and TGS Commercial Group SA
How to expand your business to Asia?
This workshop will provide you with knowledge and insight information on how to expand your business to Asia and seize the opportunity of the growing Asian markets by discussing with specialists in the field.
CCIG, boulevard du Théâtre 4, Genève
June 12
China Cyber Security Law
The Chinese Cyber security Law (CSL) will be in effect as of June 1, 2017. What does the law cover? Why is it so important? Why have so many states appealed to China to delay the implementation of the law? And why is it crucial to understand the implications?
Hotel Eden au Lac, Utoquai 45, 8008 Zurich
June 08
The SCCC Legal Chapter was established more than 20 years ago. Tending to the needs of the SCCC members, its activities focused on the legal background in China for investment by Swiss companies.
Niederer Kraft & Frey AG, Bahnhofstr. 13, 8001 Zurich