
三月 29
Monthly Virtual Get-Together
Participate in our monthly get-together series and enjoy casual conversations with fellow SCCC and SHKBA members.
Online (Zoom)
三月 16
Swiss-Chinese Life Sciences Forum 2022
Switzerland is home to a highly innovative life sciences cluster. Many multinational corporations, as well as a network of smaller companies and startups have operations in Switzerland, mostly in the Basel Area. The industry is vibrant, with many innovative developments occurring in pharmaceuticals, biotech or digital health.
三月 15
How can Switzerland attract Chinese winter sports enthusiasts?
With Beijing hosting the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Games, how are winter sports regarded by Chinese audiences? What is the social media landscape ? What role can Swiss brands/ or "brand Switzerland" play in attracting Chinese sports enthusiasts to the Alps? Join our webinar to dive into the chinese social media lanscape!
三月 15
How can Switzerland attract Chinese winter sports enthusiasts?
With Beijing hosting the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Games, how are winter sports regarded by Chinese audiences? What is the social media landscape ? What role can Swiss brands/ or "brand Switzerland" play in attracting Chinese sports enthusiasts to the Alps? Join our webinar to dive into the chinese social media lanscape!
三月 09
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
Vortragsreihe Herausforderung China - Implikationen und Ansätze für die Schweiz
FHNW Campus Olten, Von Roll-Strasse 10, 4600 Olten and online